
The Council of Nicaea (325 AD) & the Nicene Creed

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Primary Sources


Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book Khaled Anatolios, "The Witness of Athanasius at the (Hoped-for) Nicene Council of 2025," Pro Ecclesia 25. 2 (Spr. 2016): 220-236.
On-line Resource William Emery Barnes [1859-1939] "The ‘Nicene’ Creed In The Syriac Psalter," Journal of Theological Studies 7 No 27 (April 1906): 441-449.View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource H.N. Bate [1871-1941], History of the Church to 325, 2[nd] edn. London: Rivingtons, 1924. Hbk. pp.118-125.
Article in Journal or Book John Breck, "The Relevance of Nicene Christology," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly 31.1 (1987): 41-64.
Article in Journal or Book Roberta C. Bondi, "Some Issues Relevant To A Modern Interpretation Of The Language Of The Nicene Creed, With Special Reference To 'Sexist' Language," Union Seminary Quarterly Review 40.3 (1985): 21-30.
Article in Journal or Book Herbert J.A. Bouman, "The Nicene Creed: Hymn and Confession," Currents in Theology and Mission 5.3 (1978): 168-172.
On-line Resource Andrew Ewbank Burn [1864-1927], The Nicene CreedAndrew Ewbank Burn [1864-1927], The Nicene Creed. Oxford Church Text Books. London: Rivingtons, 1913. Hbk. pp.113. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book J.G. Davies, "Foundation Documents of the Faith II. The Nicene Creed," Expository Times 91.2 (1979): 36-39.
On-line Resource A.M. Fairbairn, "The Theological Problems and Historical Persons of Nicaea," Review & Expositor 3.3 (1906): 398-416.View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Everett Ferguson, "Attitudes to Schism at the Council of Nicaea," Schism, Heresy, and Religious Protest. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972. pp.57-63.
Article in Journal or Book Jack Forstman, ."The Nicene Mind in Historical Perspective and Its Significance for Christian Unity," Encounter 38.3 (1997): 213-226.
Book or monograph J.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Creeds, 3rd edn. London: Longmans, 1972. Hbk. ISBN: 0582489318. pp.205-262.
Article in Journal or Book J.N.D. Kelly, "The Nicene Creed: A Turning Point," Scottish Journal of Theology 36 (1983): 23-39.
On-line Resource John James Lias [1834-1923], The Nicene Creed. A Manual for the use of Candidates for Holy OrdersJohn James Lias [1834-1923], The Nicene Creed. A Manual for the use of Candidates for Holy Orders. London: Swan Sonnenschein / London: The Macmillan Co., 1897. Hbk. pp.439. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Bernard Lonargan, The Way to Nicea: The Dialectical Development of Trinitarian Theology. A. O'Donovan, trans. London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1976. pp.xxix + 143.
Article in Journal or Book Russel P. Moroziuk, "Heathen Philosophers and Christian Theologians: Apophaticism and Nicene Orthodoxy at Nicaea," Patristic and Byzantine Review 12.1-3 (1993): 55-63.
Article in Journal or Book Catherine Pickstock, "Asyndeton: Syntax and Insanity. A Study of the Revision of the Nicene Creed," Modern Theology 10.4 (1994): 321-340.
Article in Journal or Book William H.K. Narum, "More on a Preposition in the Nicene Creed," Lutheran Quarterly 10 (1958): 65-68.
Article in Journal or Book J. St. O'Leary, "Has the Nicene Creed Become Inaccessible?," Irish Theological Quarterly, Vol. 48 (1981): 240-255.
On-line Resource Robert Rainy [1826-1906], The Ancient Catholic Church from the Accession of Trajan to the Fourth General Council [A.D. 98-451]Robert Rainy, The Ancient Catholic Church from the Accession of Trajan to the Fourth General Council [A.D. 98-451]. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1902. Hbk. pp.539. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Stephen M. Reynolds, "Calvin's View of the Athanasian and Nicene Creeds," Westminster Theological Journal 23.1 (1961): 33-37.
Article in Journal or Book Stephen C. Rowan, "The Nicene Creed: Poetic Words for a Prosaic World," Studies in Formative Spirituality 10.2 (1989): 197-206.
Book or monograph Scaff: Creeds of ChristendomPhilip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom, 3 Vols., revised. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1984. Hbk. ISBN: 0801082323.
Book or monograph Christopher R. Seitz, ed., Nicene Christianity: The Future for a New Ecumenism. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 2002. Pbk. ISBN: 1842271547. pp.240.
Article in Journal or Book Oskar Skarsaune, "A Neglected Detail in the Creed of Nicaea (325)," Vigiliae Christianae 41.1 (1987): 34–54.
On-line Resource Arthur Penrhyn Stanley [1815-1881], Lectures on the History of the Eastern ChurchArthur Penrhyn Stanley [1815-1881], Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church with an Introduction on the Study of Ecclesiastical History, 5th edn. London: John Murray, 1884. Hbk. pp.422. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Book or monograph Thomas F. Torrance, ed. The Incarnation: Ecumenical Studies in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed A.D. 381. Handsel Press, 1981. Pbk. ISBN: 0905312147. pp.202.
Article in Journal or Book Jorg Ulrich, "Nicaea and the West," Vigiliae Christianae 51.1 (1997): 10-24.
Article in Journal or Book David Jay Webber, "The Nicene Creed and the Filioque: A Lutheran Approach," Logia: A J of Lutheran Theology 8.4 (1999): 45-52.
Article in Journal or Book Young: From Nicaea to ChalcedonFrances M Young, From Nicaea to Chalcedon: A Guide to the Literature and Its Background. London: SCM Press, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0334004950. pp.65-83.

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