Athanasius, His Life and Work by Henry Robert Reynolds

This is a brief study of the life and work of Athanasius of Alexandria [296-8 – 373]. My thanks to Book Aid for making available a copy of this public domain title for digitisation. Henry Robert Reynolds [1825-1896], Athanasius. His Life and Life-Work. The Church History Series V. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1889. Hbk….

Origen and Greek Patristic Theology by William Fairweather

William Fairweather’s work on Origen provides a general introduction to the great Alexandrian theologian, his theology and his legacy. My thanks to Book Aid for providing a copy of this book for digitisation. This title is in the public domain. William Fairweather [1856-1942], Origen and Greek Patristic Theology. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1901. Hbk….