John Chrysostom

John Chrysostom’s Picture of His Age

John Chrysostom’s Picture of His Age

Today's free book is a brief study of the life of the "golden-mouthed" preacher of the early church, John Chrysostom,…

3 years ago

Inspiration and Authority of Scripture in the First Five Centuries

Today's free books is George Duncan Barry's study of the teaching of the early church concerning the inspiration and authority…

3 years ago

Church History to the Separation of East and West

Icon depicting the Emperor Constantine (centre) and the bishops of the First Council of Nicaea (325) holding the Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed…

3 years ago

Ancient Catholic Church by Robert Rainy

Today's free book is Robert Rainy's comprehensive survey of early church history from the time of the Emperor Trajan to…

3 years ago

Lives of the Fathers by Frederic W. Farrar

Dean F.W. Farrar provides us with over 1,500 pages on the lives of individual church fathers. My thanks to Book…

4 years ago

Church Leaders in Primitive Times

Augustine of Hippo This book is a collection of lectures that cover 13 significant Christian leaders from the first five…

4 years ago