Statue of Saint Martin cutting his cloak in two above the Höchst Castle's gate

Hilary of Poitiers and Martin of Tours by J.G. Cazenove

Today’s free book contains a brief biography of Hilary of Poitiers md Martin of Tours, part of the Fathers of the Church for English Readers series. This public domain volume was digitised using the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library. John Gibson Cazenove [1821-1896], St. Hilary of Poitiers and St. Martin of Tours. The Fathers…

Public Domain Articles from the Journal of Theological Studies (1899-1909)

The following Public Domain articles from the Journal of Theological Studies relating to early church history are now available on-line in PDF: William Sanday [1843–1920], “Recent Research on the Origin of the Creed.” Journal of Theological Studies 1 No 1 (Oct. 1899): 3-22. William Sanday [1843–1920], “Further Research on the History of the Creed,” Journal…