
Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine by J.F. Bethune-Baker

Introduction to the Early History of Christian Doctrine by J.F. Bethune-Baker

Today's free book is J.F. Bethune-Baker's extremely useful History fo Early Christian Doctrine, which entered the public domain this year.…

2 years ago

Early Christian Doctrine – Leighton Pullan

Today's free book is a brief overview of Christian doctrine in the Early Church, part of the Oxford Church Text…

3 years ago

Church of the Sub-Apostolic Age by James Heron

Today's free book is James Heron's study of the teachings and practices of the sub-apostolic church as described in the…

3 years ago

Early Church and the World by C J Cadoux

In this book C.J. Cadoux traces the development of Christian attitudes to the Roman Empire, heathen religions, war, family-life, poverty…

3 years ago

Ancient Catholic Church by Robert Rainy

Today's free book is Robert Rainy's comprehensive survey of early church history from the time of the Emperor Trajan to…

3 years ago

Backhouse & Tylor’s Early Church History to the Time of Constantine

Early Church History to the Death of Constantine was Edward Backhouse's final work and was completed posthumously by Charles Tylor.…

7 years ago