21.1 | |
Émilien Lamirande, "Étude Bibliographique Sur Les Pères De L'Église Et L'Aggadah," Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 1-11. | |
G.J.M. Bartelink, "Les Démons Comme Brigands," Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 12-24. | |
Robert L. Wilken, "The Homeric Cento in Irenaeus, "Adversus Haereses" I, 9,4," Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 25-33. | |
Clarence A. Forbes, "Critical Notes To Firmicus Maternus, De Errore," Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 34-38. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Das Bienenwunder in Der Ambrosiusbiographie Des Paulinus Von Mailand," 3Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 8-44. | |
Manlio Simonetti, "Osservazioni Sull"Altercatio Heracliani Cum Germinio"," Vigiliae Christianae 21.1 (March 1967): 39-58. |
21.2 | |
Luigi Alfonsi, "La Vite e l'olmo," Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 81-86. | |
G.M. Lee, "Diatessaron and Diapente," Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 87 | |
L.W. Barnard, "The Embassy of Athenagoras,"Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (March 1967): Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 88-92. | |
Bernd Reiner Voss, "Bemerkungen Zu Euagrius Von Antiochien Vergil Und Sallust in Der Vita Antonii," Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 93-102. | |
Stephen Benko, "The Libertine Gnostic Sect of the Phibionites According To Epiphanius," Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 103-119. | |
J.J. Thierry, "Some Notes On Epistula Xxii of St. Jerome,"Vigiliae Christianae 21.2 (May 1967): 120-127. | |
21.3 | |
A.F. Walls, "Papias and Oral Tradition," Vigiliae Christianae 21.3 (Sept. 1967): 137-140. | |
Ugo Bianchi, "Marcion: Theologien Biblique Ou Docteur Gnostique?" Vigiliae Christianae 21.3 (Sept. 1967): 141-149. | |
R.A. Kraft, "An Unnoticed Papyrus Fragment of Barnabas," Vigiliae Christianae 21.3 (Sept. 1967): 150-163. | |
G.M. Lee, "Origen, Dialogue With Heraclides, 5, 23, 4," Vigiliae Christianae 21.3 (Sept. 1967): 164. | |
Reinhart Staats, "Die Asketen Aus Mesopotamien in Der Rede Des Gregor Von Nyssa"in Suam Ordinationem"," Vigiliae Christianae 21.3 (Sept. 1967): 165-179. | |
21.4 | |
Robert Joly, "Hermas Et Le Pasteur," Vigiliae Christianae 21.4 (Dec. 1967): 201-218. | |
Reinhold Merkelbach, "Tatian 40," Vigiliae Christianae 21.4 (Dec. 1967): 219-220. | |
Bernhard Lohse, "Zur Eschatologie Des Älteren Augustin (De Civ. Dei 20,9)," Vigiliae Christianae 21.4 (Dec. 1967): 221-240. | |
Wolfgang Speyer, "Ein Angebliches Zeugnis Für Die Doctrina Apostolorum Oder Pelagius Bei Pseudo-Hieronymus," Vigiliae Christianae 21.4 (Dec. 1967): 241-246. |
22.1 | |
Hartwig Helfritz, "hoi oupanoi te dioikesei autou saleuomenoi en eipeoe hypotassontai auto," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 1-7. |
Graydon F. Snyder, "Text and syntax of Ignatius pros ephesious 20:2c," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 8-13. | |
Gilles Quispel, "Note sur De resurrectione," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 14-15. | |
Robert McQueen Grant, "Eusebius, H E VIII: another suggestion," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 16-18. | |
Robert C. Hill, "St John Chrysostom's teaching on inspiration in Six homilies on Isaiah," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 19-37. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Das Bienenwunder in der Ambrosiusbiographie des Paulinus von Miland," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 38-44. | |
Christian Parma, "Plotinische Motive in Augustins Begriff der Civitas Dei," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 45-48. | |
E J. Jonkers, "Die Konzile und einige Formen alten Volksglaubens im f³nften und sechsten Jahrhundert," Vigiliae Christianae 22.1 (April 1968): 49-53. | |
22.2 | |
Gilles Quispel, "Discussion of Judaic Christianity," Vigiliae Christianae 22.2 (June 1968): 81-93. | |
Walter Bradbury Sedgwick, "Conjectures on the text of Tertullian," Vigiliae Christianae 22.2 (June 1968): 94-95. | |
Peter Krafft, "Zum Monadenkapitel des Favonius Eulogius," Vigiliae Christianae 22.2 (June 1968): 96-127. | |
G J M. Bartelink, "Text parallels between the Vita Hypatii of Callinicus and the Pseudo-Macariana," Vigiliae Christianae 22.2 (June 1968): 128-136. | |
22.3 | |
Leslie W. Barnard, "Origins and emergence of the church in Edessa during the first two centuries AD," Vigiliae Christianae 22.3 (Sept.1968): 161-175. |
Marie Josèphe Rondeau, "L'épître à Marcellinus sur les Psaumes," Vigiliae Christianae 22.3 (Sept.1968): 176-197. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Zur literarischen Eigenart von Eucherius' Schrift De laude eremi," Vigiliae Christianae 22.3 (Sept.1968): 198-208. | |
Luigi Alfonsi, "L'Oratore Servio Sulpicio Galba in Salviano," Vigiliae Christianae 22.3 (Sept.1968): 209-213. | |
Jacques Fontaine, "L'Association Internationale d'Etudes Patristiques," Vigiliae Christianae 22.3 (Sept.1968): 235-237. | |
22.4 | |
R P C Hanson, "Basil's doctrine of tradition in relation to the Holy Spirit," Vigiliae Christianae 22.4 (Dec. 1968): 241-255. | |
J C M Van Winden, "Grégoire de Nysse, De anima et Resurrectione, P G 46, 17A," Vigiliae Christianae 22.4 (Dec. 1968): 256. | |
Vinzenz Buchheit, "Augustinus unter dem Feigenbaum (Zu Conf VIII)," Vigiliae Christianae 22.4 (Dec. 1968): 257-271. | |
Hermann Traenkle, "Textkritische Bemerkungen zur Philosophiae Consolatio des Boethius," Vigiliae Christianae 22.4 (Dec. 1968): 272-286. | |
Wolfgang Lackner, "Zu einem bislang unbekannten Bericht Über die Translation der Ignatiosreliquien nach Antiochien," Vigiliae Christianae 22.4 (Dec. 1968): 287-294. |
23.1 | |
Abraham J. Malherbe, "The Structure of Athenagoras, 'Supplicatio Pro Christianis'," Vigiliae Christianae 23.1 (April 1969): 1-20. | |
Carlo Tibiletti, "Un Motivo Del Primo Aristotele in Tertulliano," Vigiliae Christianae 23.1 (April 1969): 21-29. | |
Antoine Guillaumont, "Le Nom Des « Agapètes »," Vigiliae Christianae 23.1 (April 1969): 30-37. | |
Gerhard May, "Die Datierung Der Rede "in Suam Ordinationem" Des Gregor Von Nyssa Und Die Verhandlungen Mit Den Pneumatomachen Auf Dem Konzil Von Konstantinopel 381," Vigiliae Christianae 23.1 (April 1969): 38-57. | |
Retnhart Staats, "Die Datierung Von "in Suam Ordinationem" Des Gregor Von Nyssa," Vigiliae Christianae 23.1 (April 1969): 58-59. | |
23.2 | |
A. Vööbus, "Regarding the Background of the Liturgical Traditions in the Didache," Vigiliae Christianae 23.2 (June 1969): 81-87. | |
Ernst Bammel, "Rest and Rule," Vigiliae Christianae 23.2 (June 1969): 88-90. | |
John Whittaker, "Epekeina nou kai ousias," Vigiliae Christianae 23.2 (June 1969): 91-104. | |
W. Rordorf, "Tertullians Beurteilung Des Soldatenstandes," Vigiliae Christianae 23.2 (June 1969): 105-141. | |
23.3 | |
Joseph Vogt, "Eine Untersuchung Zum Sozialen Motiv Des Antiken Marienbildes," Vigiliae Christianae 23.3 (Sept. 1969): 241-263. | |
Joan M. Petersen, "House-Churches in Rome," Vigiliae Christianae 23.3 (Sept. 1969): 264-272. | |
Eberhard Heck, "Bemerkungen Zum Text Von Lactanz, De Opificio Dei," Vigiliae Christianae 23.3 (Sept. 1969): 273-292. | |
G.J.M. Bartelink, "Eunape Et Le Vocabulaire Chrétien," Vigiliae Christianae Vigiliae Christianae 23.3 (Sept. 1969): 293-303. | |
23.4 | |
JosephVogt, "Ecce ancilla domini: eine Untersuchung zum sozialen Motiv des antiken Marienbildes," Vigiliae Christianae 23.4 (Dec. 1969): 241-263. | |
Joan M. Petersen, "House-churches in Rome," Vigiliae Christianae 23.4 (Dec. 1969): 264-272. | |
Eberhard Heck, "Bemerkungen zum text von Lactanz, De opificio Dei," Vigiliae Christianae 23.4 (Dec. 1969): 273-292. | |
G J M. Bartelink, "Eunape et le vocabulaire Chrètien," Vigiliae Christianae 23.4 (Dec. 1969): 293-303. |
24.1 | |
"Borleffs, Jan Willem Philip," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 1-2. | |
"McGuire, Martin Rawson Patrick, 1897-1969," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 2-3. | |
H.J.W. Drijvers, "Edessa Und Das Jüdische Christentum," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 4-33. | |
Kurt Treu, "Ein Neuer Hermas-Papyrus," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 34-39. | |
Norbert Brox, "Ein Vermeintliches Irenäus-Fragment," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 40-44. | |
Anton Szantyr, "Frenosus,"Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 45-48. | |
Margaret A. Schatkin, "The Influence of Origen Upon St. Jerome's Commentary On Galatians," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 49-58. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Die Volcanalia in Der Spätantike," Vigiliae Christianae 24.1 (1970): 59-65. | |
24.2 | |
J. Smit Sibinga, "Melito of Sardis. the Artist and His Text," Vigiliae Christianae 24.2 (1970): 81-104. | |
Wolf-Dieter Hauschild, "Die Antinizänische Synodalaktensammlung Des Sabinus Von Heraklea," Vigiliae Christianae 24.2 (1970): 105-126. | |
Dwight W. Young, "The Milieu of Nag Hammadi: Some Historical Considerations," Vigiliae Christianae 24.2 (1970): 127-137 | |
24.3 | |
G.D. Kilpatrick, "Language and Text in the Gospels and Acts," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 161-171. |
L.W. Barnard, "The Antecedents of Arius," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 172-188. | |
Antonia Tripolitis, "Ancient Hymn and Modern Enigma," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 189-196. | |
Jean-Paul Bouhot, "Remarques Sur L'Histoire Du Texte De L'Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 197-209. | |
Jacques Froger, "La Critique Des Textes Et L'Ordinateur," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 210-217. | |
"Appel Pour Un Relevé Général Des Citations Patristiques De La Bible Grecque," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 239-240. | |
"North American Patristic Society," Vigiliae Christianae 24.3 (1970): 240-240. | |
24.4 | |
John Whittaker, "A Hellenistic Context for John 10, 29," Vigiliae Christianae 24.4 (1970): 241-260. |
W.C. Van Unnik, "'Tiefer Friede' (1. Klemens 2,2)," Vigiliae Christianae 24.4 (1970): 261-279. | |
Joseph T. Lienhard, "The Christology of the Epistle To Diognetus," Vigiliae Christianae 24.4 (1970): 280-289. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Schimpfwörter Bei Commodian," Vigiliae Christianae 24.4 (1970): 290-299. |
25.1 | |
Hans, Freiherr von Campenhausen, "Taufen auf den Namen Jesu," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 1-16 | |
Johanna ter Vrugt-Lentz, "Das Christentum und die Leberschau," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 17-28. | |
G M. Lee, "Note on Irenaeus," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 29-30. | |
Paul Kübel, "Zum Aufbau von Origenes' De Principiis," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 31-39 | |
J M P B van der Putten, "Arnobiana," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 40-50. | |
J M P B van der Putten, "L'emploi de nec et neque dans Arnobe," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 51. | |
J M P B van der Putten, "Arnobe croyait-il a l'existence des dieux paiens," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 52-55. | |
Robert Maxwell Ogilvie, "Lactantius, Div Inst 6.18.15 à 16," Vigiliae Christianae 25.1 1971): 56. |
25.2 | |
John J. Gunther, "Syrian Christian dualism," Vigiliae Christianae 25.2 (1971): 81-93 | |
Ton H C van Eijk, "Gospel of Philip and Clement of Alexandria : gnostic and ecclesiastical theology on the resurrection and the Eucharist," Vigiliae Christianae 25.2 (1971): 94-120 | |
G F. Diercks, "Some critical notes on Novatian's De bono pudicitiae and the anonymous Ad Novatianum," Vigiliae Christianae 25.2 (1971): 121-130. | |
Gilles Quispel, "Some remarks Diatessaron Haarense," Vigiliae Christianae 25.2 (1971): 131-139. | |
"L'inventaire général des citations patristiques de la Bible grecque: premier rapport," Vigiliae Christianae 25.2 (1971): 157-160. | |
25.3 | |
Jean Daniélou, "Le traité de centesima, sexagesima, tricesima et le Judéo-Christianisme latin avant Tertullien," Vigiliae Christianae 25.3 (1971): 171-181. |
Herbert Kemler, "Hegesipps römische Bischofsliste," Vigiliae Christianae 25.3 (1971): 182-196. | |
Ugo Bianchi, "Anthropologie et conception du mal : les sources de l'exégèse gnostique," Vigiliae Christianae 25.3 (1971): 197-204. | |
Frederik Wisse, "Nag Hammadi library and the heresiologists," Vigiliae Christianae 25.3 (1971): 205-223. | |
25.4 | |
Wolf Steidle, "Die dichterische Konzeption des Prudentius und das Gedicht contra Symmachum," Vigiliae Christianae 25.4 (1971): 241-281. |
Pieter W van der Horst, "Pagan Platonist and a Christian Platonist on suicide," Vigiliae Christianae 25.4 (1971): 282-288. | |
Rolf Peppermüller, "Griechische Papyrusfragmente der Doctrina Addai," Vigiliae Christianae 25.4 (1971): 289-301. |
26.1 | |
A.W.J. Holleman, "The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus 1786 and the Relationship Between Ancient Greek and Early Christian Music," Vigiliae Christianae 26.1 (1972): 1-17. | |
Karlmann Beyschlag, "Zur Eiphnh Batheia (I clem. 2,2)," Vigiliae Christianae 26.1 (1972): 18-23. | |
W.C. Van Unnik, "Noch Einmal "Tiefer Friede"," Vigiliae Christianae 26.1 (1972): 24-28. | |
Reinhart Staats, "Ogdoas Als Ein Symbol Für Die Auferstehung," Vigiliae Christianae 26.1 (1972): 29-52. | |
John G. Gager, Marcion and Philosophy," Vigiliae Christianae 26.1 (1972): 53-59. | |
26.2 | |
Alfred C. Rush, "Death as a Spiritual Marriage: Individual and Ecclesial Eschatology," Vigiliae Christianae 26.2 (1972): 81-101. | |
H.-U. Rosenbaum, "Zur Datierung von Celsus' Alethes Logos," Vigiliae Christianae 26.2 (1972): 102-111. | |
J. Edgar Bruns, "Biblical Citations and the Agraphon in Pseudo-Cyprian's Liber De Montibus Sina Et Sion," 112-116. | |
Jeanne-Marie Demarolle, "Un Aspect De La Polemique Paienne a La Fin Du IIIe Siecle: Le Vocabulaire Chretien De Porphyre," Vigiliae Christianae 26.2 (1972): 117-129. | |
C.W. Wolfskeel, "Ist Augustin in "De Immortalitate Animae" Von Der Gedankenwelt Des Porphyrios Beeinflusst Worden?" Vigiliae Christianae 26.2 (1972): 130-145. | |
26.3 | |
Marguerite Harl, "Origène Et La Sémantique Du Langage Biblique," Vigiliae Christianae 26.3 (1972): 161-187. | |
Helmut Saake, "Das Präskript Zum Ersten Serapionsbrief Des Athanasios Von Alexandreia Als Pneumatologisches Programm," Vigiliae Christianae 26.3 (1972): 188-199. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Formen Der Polemik Bei Lucifer Von Calaris," Vigiliae Christianae 26.3 (1972): 200-226. | |
26.4 | |
Elaine H. Pagels, "The Valentinian Claim To Esoteric Exegesis of Romans as Basis for Anthropological Theory," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 241-258. | |
Ernst Bammel, "Christus Parricida," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 259-262. | |
Peter Franke, "Traditio Legis Und Petrusprimat," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 263-271. | |
R.P.C. Hanson, "The Reaction of the Church To the Collapse of the Western Roman Empire in the Fifth Century," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 272-287. | |
G.J.M. Bartelink, "Tas pente aireips," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 288-290. | |
A. Voobus, "New Sources for the Symbol in Early Syrian Christianity," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 291-296. | |
J. Duplacy, "L'Inventaire General Des Citations Patristiques De La Bible Grecque," Vigiliae Christianae 26.4 (1972): 313-318. |
27.1 | |
Paul Keresztes, "The Jews, the Christians, and Emperor Domitian," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 1-28. |
W.C. Van Unnik, "The Interpretation of 2 Clement 15,5," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 29-34. | |
R. Van Den Broek, "The Shape of Edem According To Justin the Gnostic," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 35-45. | |
Norbert Brox, ""Non Ulla Gens Non Christiana" (Zu Tertullian, Ad Nat. 1, 8, 9 f.)," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 46-49. | |
R.P.H. Green, "Some Types of Imagery in the Poetry of Paulinus of Nola," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 50-52. | |
Wolfgang Lackner, "Ein Epigraphisches Zeugnis Für Den Praeses Ciliciae Marcianus in Der Passion Des Iulianos Von Anazarbos," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 53-55. | |
Wolfgang Lackner, "Zum Zusatz Zu Epiphanios' Von Salamis Panarion, Kap. 64," Vigiliae Christianae 27.1 (1973): 56-58. | |
27.2 | |
Willard M. Swartley, "The Imitatio Christi in the Ignatian Letters," Vigiliae Christianae 27.2 (1973): 81-103. |
Klaus Berger, "Der Traditionsgeschichtliche Ursprung Der "Traditio Legis"," Vigiliae Christianae 27.2 (1973): 104-122. | |
Walter Kissel, "Eine Falsch Verstandene Laktanz-Stelle (De Opificio Dei 19,10)," Vigiliae Christianae 27.2 (1973): 123-128. | |
P. Flury, "Das Sechste Gedicht Des Paulinus Von Nola," Vigiliae Christianae 27.2 (1973): 129-145. | |
Alfred Stuiber, "Ein Griechischer Textzeuge Für Das Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum," Vigiliae Christianae 27.2 (1973): 146-147. | |
27.3 | |
Peter Colaclides, "Acts 17,28a and Bacchae 506," Vigiliae Christianae 27.3 (1973): 161-164. | |
Pierre Nautin, "Ciel, Pneuma Et Lumière Chez Théophile D'Antioche," Vigiliae Christianae 27.3 (1973): 165-171. | |
John M. McDermott, "Hilary of Poitiers: the Infinite Nature of God," Vigiliae Christianae 27.3 (1973): 172-202. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Hilarius Von Poitiers Als Polemiker," Vigiliae Christianae 27.3 (1973): 203-217. | |
Karl Gross, "Plus Amari Quam Timeri," Vigiliae Christianae 27.3 (1973): 218-229. | |
27.4 | |
Robert P. Maloney, "The Teaching of the Fathers On Usury: an Historical Study On the Development of Christian Thinking," Vigiliae Christianae 27.4 (1973): 241-265. | |
Dieter Mueller, "Kingdom of Heaven or Kingdom of God?" Vigiliae Christianae 27.4 (1973): 266-275. | |
Luther H. Martin, ""The Treatise On the Resurrection" (Cg 1,3) and Diatribe Style," Vigiliae Christianae 27.4 (1973): 277-280. | |
Luther H. Martin, "Note On "the Treatise On the Resurrection" (Cg I,3) 48.3-6," Vigiliae Christianae 27.4 (1973): 281-281. | |
Innocenzo Mazzini, "Lettera Del Concilio Di Arles (314) a Papa Silvestro Tradita Dal Codex Parisinus Latinus 1711," Vigiliae Christianae 27.4 (1973): 282-300. |
28.1 | |
Richard A. Bower, "The Meaning of EihtytxanΩ in the Epistles of St. Ignatius," of Antioch," Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 1-14. | |
E.P. Meijering, "Wie Platonisierten Christen?" Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 15-28. | |
G. Quispel, "Origen and the Valentinian Gnosis," Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 29-42. | |
Wilhelm Blum, "Eine Verbindung Der Zwei Höhlengleichnisse Der Heidnischen Antike Bei Gregor Von Nyssa," Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 43-49. | |
L.C. Meijer, "Some Remarks On Itinerarium Egeriae 28,4," Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 50-53. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Antikes Bildungsgut Bei Salvian Von Marseille," Vigiliae Christianae 28.1 (1974): 54-61. | |
28.2 | |
J.C.H. Lebram, "Die Literarische Form Des Vierten Makkabäerbuches," Vigiliae Christianae 28.2 (1974): 81-96. | |
Margaret Schatkin, "The Maccabean Martyrs," Vigiliae Christianae 28.2 (1974): 97-113. | |
Hans Freiherr Von Campenhausen, "Ostertermin Oder Osterfasten? Zum Verständnis Des Irenäusbriefs an Viktor (Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 5,24,12-17)," Vigiliae Christianae 28.2 (1974): 114-138. | |
J.C.M. Van Winden, "Origen's Definition of EyxapiΣTia in De Oratione 14,2," Vigiliae Christianae 28.2 (1974): 139-140. | |
H. Karpp, "Textkritische Bemerkungen Zu Athanasius, De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi 27,1," Vigiliae Christianae 28.2 (1974): 141-143. | |
28.3 | |
E.P. Meijering, "En pote hote ouk en ho yhios: a discussion on time and eternity," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 161-168. | |
L.W. Barnard, "The Date of S. Athanasius' Vita Antonii," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 169-175. | |
Maria-Barbara Von Stritzky, "Beobachtungen Zur Verbindung Zwischen Gregor Von Nyssa Und Augustin," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 176-185. | |
H. Wagenvoort, "Volkskunde Bei Augustin?" Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 186-189. | |
W. Rordorf, "Saint Augustin Et La Tradition Philosophique Antifataliste a Propos De De Civ. Dei 5,1-11," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 190-202. | |
Luigi Franco Pizzolato, "L'Amicizia in Sant'Agostino e iL « Laelius » Di Cicerone," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 203-215. | |
Harald Hagendahl, "Jerome and the Latin Classics," Vigiliae Christianae 28.3 (1974): 216-227. | |
28.4 | |
Michel Tardieu, "La Lettre à hIpparque Et Les Réminiscences Pythagoriciennes De Clément D'Alexandrie," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 241-247. |
E.P. Meijering, "God Cosmos History Christian and Neo-Platonic Views On Divine Revelation," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 248-276. | |
A.F.J. Klijn & G.J. Reinink, "Elchasai and Mani," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 277-289. | |
K.A.D. Smelik, ""Aliquanta Ipsius Sancti Thomae"," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 290-294. | |
Wilhelm Blum, "Die Theodizee Des Patriarchen Germanos I. Von Konstantinopel," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 295-303. | |
Jean Duplacy, "Premier Bilan Général De L'Inventaire Des Citations Patristiques De La Bible Grecque (1969-1974)," Vigiliae Christianae 28.4 (1974): 304-307. |
29.1 | |
George Christopher Stead, "Concept of divine substance," Vigiliae Christianae 29.1 (1975): 1-14. |
Rudolf Riedinger, "Zur antimarkionitischen Polemik des Klemens von Alexandreia," Vigiliae Christianae 29.1 (1975): 15-32. | |
Douglas L. Powell, "Tertullianists and Cataphrygians," Vigiliae Christianae 29.1 (1975): 33-54. | |
Michel Aubineau, "Soixante-six textes, attribués à Jean Chrysostome, découverts dans le codex athos, Iviron 255," Vigiliae Christianae 29.1 (1975): 55-64. | |
29.2 | |
Paul Keresztes, "Two edicts of the emperor Valerian," Vigiliae Christianae 29.2 (1975): 81-95. |
Jan Hendrik Waszink, "Calcidiana," Vigiliae Christianae 29.2 (1975): 96-119. | |
Wolfgang Hübner, "Das horoskop der christen (Zeno 1,38 l)," Vigiliae Christianae 29.2 (1975): 120-137. | |
Jean-Daniel Dubois, "Remarques sur le texte de l'evangile de verite (CG I, 2)," Vigiliae Christianae 29.2 (1975): 138-140. | |
Stephen Gero, "Jonah and the patriarch," Vigiliae Christianae 29.2 (1975): 141-146. | |
29.3 | |
Quintino Cataudella, "Spunti e motivi cristiani nella poesia pagana antica," Vigiliae Christianae 29.3 (1975): 161-190. | |
Ilona Opelt, "Die Szenerie bei Iuvencus: ein Kapitel historischer Geographie," Vigiliae Christianae 29.3 (1975): 191-207. | |
Angelo Roncoroni, "Sul de passione Domini pseudolattanziano," Vigiliae Christianae 29.3 (1975): 208-221. | |
Bruce K. Braswell, "Kleine textkritische Bemerkungen zu frühchristlichen Hymnen," Vigiliae Christianae 29.3 (1975): 222-226. | |
Jakob Speigl, "Der Veg eines Pelagiusfragments," Vigiliae Christianae 29.3 (1975): 227-229. | |
29.4 | |
Matthias Baltes, "Numenios von Apamea und der platonische Timaios," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 241-270. | |
Pierre Nautin, "Note critique sur Athënagore, Legatio, 16,3," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 271-275. | |
Michael Brück, "Genugtuung bei Tertullian," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 276-290. | |
J C M Van Winden, "On the date of Athanasius' apologetical treatises," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 291-295. | |
Jean Doignon, "L'argumentatio d'Hilaire de Poitiers dans l'exemplum de la tentation de Jésus (In Matthaeum, 3:1-5)," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 296-308 | |
John Whittaker, "Proclus, Procopius, Psellus and the scholia on Gregory Nazianzen," Vigiliae Christianae 29.4 (1975): 309-313. |
30.1 | |
Daniel Sheerin, "St. John the Baptist in the Lower World," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 1-22. | |
Frederick W. Norris, "Ignatius, Polycarp, and 1 Clement: Walter Bauer Reconsidered," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 23-44. | |
Francis T. Fallon, "The Law in Philo and Ptolemy: a Note on the Letter to Flora," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 45-51. | |
B.R. Brennan, "Dating Athanasius' Vita Antonii," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 52-54. | |
Paul J. Alexander, "Gregory of Nyssa and the Simile of the Banquet of Life," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 55-62. | |
Cornelia W. Wolfskeel, "Some Remarks With Regard To Augustine's Conception of Man as the Image of God," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 63-71. | |
Eberhard Heck, "Iuppiter-Iovis Bei Commodian," Vigiliae Christianae 30.1 (1976): 72-76. | |
30.2 | |
E.P. Meijering, "Bemerkungen Zu Tertullians Polemik Gegen Marcion," Vigiliae Christianae 30.2 (1976): 81-108. | |
Raoul Mortley, "The Mirror and i cor. 13,12 in the Epistemology of Clement of Alexandria," Vigiliae Christianae 30.2 (1976): 109-120. | |
G. Christopher Stead, "Rhetorical Method in Athanasius," Vigiliae Christianae 30.2 (1976): 121-137. | |
Benoit Standaert, ""Evangelium Veritatis" Et "Veritatis Evangelium"," Vigiliae Christianae 30.2 (1976): 138-150. |
Joan M. Petersen, "The Identification of the Titulus Fasciolae and Its Connection With Pope Gregory the Great," Vigiliae Christianae 30.2 (1976): 151-158. | |
30.3 | |
Christopher J.A. Lash, "Where Do Devils Live? a Problem in the Textual Criticism of Ephesians 6,12," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 161-174. | |
Stevan L. Davies, "The Predicament of Ignatius of Antioch," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 175-180. | |
Norbert Brox, "Pseudo-Paulus Und Pseudo-Ignatius," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 181-188. | |
Terence Y. Mullins, "Papias and Clement and Mark's Two Gospels," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 189-192. | |
Pheme Perkins, "Ireneus and the Gnostics," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 193-200. | |
W.C. Van Unnik, "Two Notes On Irenaeus," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 201-213. | |
A.P. Orbán, "Die Frage Der Ersten Zeugnisse Des Christenlateins," Vigiliae Christianae 30.3 (1976): 214-238. | |
30.4 | |
Manfred Kertsch, "Ein Bildhafter Vergleich Bei Seneca, Themistios, Gregor Von Nazianz Und Sein Kynisch-Stoischer Hintergrund," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 241-257. | |
Nicole Zeegers-Vander Vorst, "La Création De L'Homme (Gn 1,26) Chez Théophile D'Antioche," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 258-267. | |
Pierre Nautin, "La Fin Des Stromates Et Les Hypotyposes De Clément D'Alexandrie," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 268-302. | |
J.C.M. Van Winden, "The Origin of Falsehood," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 303-306. | |
E. Lucchesi, "Note Sur Un Lieu De Cassiodore Faisant Allusion Aux Sept Livres D'Ambroise Sur Les Patriarches," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 307-309. | |
Michael Winterbottom, "Columbanus and Gildas," Vigiliae Christianae 30.4 (1976): 310-317. |