
Sin / Harmartiology & the Early Church

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Primary Sources

Book or monograph Athanasius, On the Incarnation.
Book or monograph Augustine, Against Fortunatus the Manichaean.
Book or monograph Augustine, City of God 11-22.
Book or monograph Augustine, Confessions 1; 8.
On-line Resource Augustine, On Man's Perfection in Righteousness. P. Holmes & R.E. Wallis, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1887. pp.159-176.
On-line Resource Augustine, On Marriage and Concupiscence. P. Holmes & R.E. Wallis, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1887. pp.263-308.
Book or monograph St Augustine: The Literal Meaning of GenesisJohn H. Taylor, translator, St Augustine, The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Johannes Quasten, Walter J. Burghardt & Thomas C. Lawler, eds. Ancient Christian Writers: The Works of the Fathers in Translation, No. 41. New York: Newman Press, 1983. ISBN: 0809103265. pp.296..
On-line Resource Augustine, On Nature and Grace. P. Holmes & R.E. Wallis, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1887. pp.121-151.
On-line Resource Augustine, On the Grace of Christ, and on Original Sin. P. Holmes & R.E. Wallis, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1887. pp.217-255.
On-line Resource Augustine, On the Merits and Forgiveness and Sins, and on the Baptism of Infants. P. Holmes & R.E. Wallis, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1887. pp.15-78.
Book or monograph Augustine, Spirit and Letter.
Book or monograph John Cassian, Conferences 1; 10; 11.
Book or monograph John Cassian, Institutes.
Book or monograph John Chrysosotom, Homily 10 on Romans, J.B. Morris, et al, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 1st series, Vol. 11. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1888. pp.401-408.
Book or monograph Cyprian, Letters, The Fathers of the Church, Vol. 51, Rose Bernard Donna, trans. Washington, D.C: The Catholic University of America Press, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 0813200512. Letter 64. pp.109-112.
Book or monograph Didache 1-6.
Book or monograph Epistle of Barnabas 18-21.
Book or monograph Evagris of Pontus, Praktikos.
Book or monograph Gregory of Nyssa, Catechetical Oration.
Book or monograph Gregory of Nyssa, Beatitudes.
On-line Resource Gregory of Nyssa, The Great Catechism, W. Moore, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1893. pp.473-509.
On-line Resource Gregory of Nyssa, On Infants' Early Deaths, W. Moore, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1893. pp.372-381.
On-line Resource Gregory of Nyssa, On the Making of Man, H.A. Wilson, trans. Nicene & Post-Nicene Fathers, 2nd series, Vol. 5. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1893. pp.387-427.
Book or monograph Hermas, Mandates.
Book or monograph Pelagius, Letters to Demetrias.
Book or monograph Tertullian, On Penitance.
On-line Resource Tertullian, On the Soul. P. Holmes, trans. Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 3. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1889. pp.181-235.

Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book M. Aflatt, "The Development of the Idea of Involuntary Sin in St. Augustine," Revue des études augustiniennes, Vol. 20 (1974): 113-134.
Article in Journal or Book W. Babcock, "Augustine's Interpretation of Romans (A.D. 394-396)," Augustinian Studies, Vol. 10 (1979): 55-74.
Article in Journal or Book W. Babcock, "Augustine on Sin and Moral Agency," Journal of Religious Ethics, Vol. 16 (1988): 28-55.
Article in Journal or Book M.W. Bloomfield, "The Origin of the Concept of the Seven Cardinal Sins," Harvard Theological Review, Vol. 34 (1941): 121-128.
Book or monograph M.W. Bloomfield, The Seven Deadly Sins: An Introduction to the History of a Religious Concept with Special Reference to Medieval English Literature. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1967. Hbk. ISBN: 087013115X.
Book or monograph Louis Bouyer, The Spirituality of the New Testament and the Fathers. New York: Seabury Press, 1982. Pbk. ISBN: 0816423725. pp.560.
Book or monograph Burns: Theological AnthropologyJ.P. Burns, ed & trans. Theological Anthropology. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981. ISBN: 0800614127. Pbk. ISBN: 0800614127. pp.130.
Book or monograph John Ferguson, Pelagius: A Historical and Theological Study. Cambridge: Heffer, 1956 / AMS Press, 1977. Hbk. ISBN: 0404161073.
Book or monograph Werner Jaeger, ed. Two Rediscovered Works of Ancient Christian Literature: Gregory of Nyssa and Macarius. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Hbk. ISBN: 9004007423. pp.70-114.
Book or monograph Kelly: Early Christian DoctrinesJ.N.D. Kelly, Early Christian Doctrines, revised. HarperCollins. Pbk. ISBN: 006064334X. Chs. 7 & 13.
Book or monograph Pelikan: The Emergence of the Catholic TraditionJaroslav Pelikan, "The Emergence of the Catholic Tradition (100-600)," The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine, Vol. 1. London & Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971. Pbk. ISBN: 0226653714. pp.278-331.
Book or monograph Robert Kraft, Barnabas and the Didache. New York: Nelson, 1965.
Article in Journal or Book Jean Laporte, "Models from Philo on Origen's Teaching on Original Sin," Laval Theologique et Philosophique 44.2 (1988): 191-203.
Article in Journal or Book Marcel Poorthuis, "Who Is To Blame: Adam or Eve? A Possible Jewish Source for Ambrose’s De Paradiso 12,56," Vigiliae Christianae 50.2 (May 1996): 125–135.
Book or monograph Henri Rondet, Original Sin: The Patristic and Theological Background. Shannon: Ecclesia, 1972. Hbk. ISBN: 0716505169. pp.283.
Article in Journal or Book D.R. Schultz, "The Origin of Sin in Irenaeus and Jewish Pseudoepigraphical Literature," Vigiliae Christianae 32.3 (1978): 161-190.
Article in Journal or Book Hajnalka Tamas & Anthony Dupont," Two Notes on Pre-Augustinian Discussions on Free Will and Human Sinfulness in North African Christian Literature," Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 92.3 (Sept. 2016): 505-512.
Book or monograph F.R. Tennant, The Sources of the Doctrines of the Fall and Original Sin. New York: Shocken Books, 1968. Hbk. ISBN: 0805232451.
Book or monograph Alfred Vanneste, The Dogma of Original Sin. Brussels: Vander / Louvain: Nauwelaerts,1975. pp.186.
On-line Resource Jeff Vogel, "The Haste of Sin, the Slowness of Salvation: An Interpretation of Irenaeus on the Fall and Redemption," Anglican Theological Review 89.3 (2007): 443-459.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Article in Journal or Book D. Weaver, "From Paul to Augustine: Romans 5:12 in Early Christian Exegesis," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, Vol. 27 (1983): 187-206.
Article in Journal or Book D. Weaver, Parts 2-3 "The Exegesis of Romans 5:12 Among the Greek Fathers and Its Implications for the Doctrine of Original Sin: The 5th-12th Centuries," St. Vladimir's Theological Quarterly, Vol. 29 (1985): 133-159, 231-257.
Book or monograph Norman P. Williams, The Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin. London: Longmans Green, 1927. Reprint: Ams Press, 1980. Hbk. ISBN: 0404184391.

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