The Apocriticus of Macarius Magnes—Thomas Wilfrid Crafer [1870-1949]
Clement of Alexandria: Who is the Rich Man that is being saved?—Percy Mordaunt Bernard [1868-1941]
St. Chrysostom: On the Priesthood—Thomas Allen Moxon [1877-1943]
Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom—Herbert Moore [1863-1943]
Justin Martyr, The Dialogue with Trypho—Arthur Lukyn Williams [1853-1943]
Dionysius the Areopagite: The Divine Names and the Mystical Theology—Clarence Edwin Rolt [1881–1918]
The Epistle of Clement, Bishop of Rome—John Allen Fitzgerald Gregg [1873-1961]
The Epistle to Diognetus—Lewis Bostock Radford [1869-1937]
The Epistle of the Gallican Churches: Ludunum and Vienna, with an appendix containing Tertullian's Address to the Martyrs and The Passion of St. Perpetua—Thomas Herbert Bindley [1861-1931]
The Eucharistic Office of the Book of Common Prayer—Leslie Wright [1881-1963]
Gregory of Nyssa: The Catechetical Oration—James Herbert Srawley [1868-1954]
St. Gregory of Nyssa: The Life of St. Macrina—William Kemp Lowther Clarke [1879-1968]
Gregory Thaumaturgus, Address to Origen—William Charles Metcalfe
Hippolytus: Philosophumena—Francis Legge
St. Irenaeus: Against the Heresies—Francis Ryan Montgomery Hitchcock [1867-1951]
The Letters of St. Augustine—William John Sparrow-Simpson [1859-1952]
Eusebius: Proof of the Gospel—William John Ferrar [1868-1945]
The Epistles of St. Ignatius—James Herbert Srawley [1868-1954]
The Dialogue of Palladius concerning the Life of Chrysostom—Herbert Moore [1863-1943]
Fifty Spiritual Homilies of St. Macarius the Egyptian—Arthur James Mason [1851-1928]
Anskar, thr Apostle of the North, 801-865—Charles Henry Robinson [1861-1925]
Augustine: The City of God (Abridged)—Francis Ryan Montgomery Hitchcock [1867-1951]
St. Bernard: On Grace and Free Will—Watkin Wynn Williams [1859-1944]
St. Cyprian: The Lord's Prayer—Thomas Herbert Bindley [1861-1931]
Select Epistles of St. Cyprian Treating of the Episcopate—Thomas Alexander Lacey [1853-1931]
Novatian on the Trinity—Herbert Moore [1863-?]
Tertullian's Treatises Concerning Prayer—Alexander Souter [1873-1949]
Tertullian: Concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh - Alexander Souter [1873-1949]
Tertullian: On the Testimony of the Soul and On the Prescription of Heretics—Thomas Herbert Bindley [1861-1931]
St. Vincent of Lerins: The Commonitory—Thomas Herbert Bindley [1861-1931]
St. Ambrose: On the Mysteries and on the Sacraments—Tom Thompson [d.1917]
The Apostolic Constitution and Cognate Documents, with special reference to their Liturgical elements—De Lacy O'Leary [1872-1957]
The Liturgy of the Eighth Book of the Apostolic Constitution, commonly called the Clementine Liturgy—Richard Henry Cresswell [1846-1925]
The Pilgrimage of Etheria—M.L. McClure [d.1918] & Charles Lett Feltoe [1857-1926]
Bishop Sraion's Prayer-Book
The Swedish Rite—Eric Esskildsen Yelverton [1888-1964]
Twenty-five Consecration Prayers—Arthur Linton
The Ethiopic Didascalia—John Mason Harden [1871-1931]
St. Irenaeus, The Demonstration of the Apostolic Preaching—Joseph Armitage Robinson [1858-1933]
St. Malachy of Armagh (St. Bernard)—Hugh Jackson Lawlor [1860-1938]
The Latin and Irish Lives of Ciaran—Robert Alexander Stewart Macalister [1870-1950]
St. Patrick. His Writings and Life—Newport John Davis White [1860-1936]
St. David—Arthur Wade Wade-Evans [1875-1964]
Lives of the Serbian Saints—Vovelav Yanich [b.1890] & Cyril Patrick Hankey