
The Biblical Canon of the Early Church

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Primary Sources: Old Testament Canon

Book or monograph Athanasius, Festal Letter 39.
Book or monograph Augustine, On Christian Doctrine 2.13.
Book or monograph Council of Hippo, Canon 36.
Book or monograph Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures 35.
Book or monograph Epiphanius, Panarion 1.1.8; On Weights & Measures 4.
Book or monograph Gregory of Nazianzus, Carmina 1.12.5; 2.2.8.
Book or monograph Hilary of Pontiers, Commentary on Psalms prol. 15.
Book or monograph Jerome, Letters 53.8.
Book or monograph Jerome, Preface to Books of Samuel.
Book or monograph Laodicea, Canon 60.
Book or monograph Melito in Eusebius, Church History 6.26.14.
Book or monograph Origen in Eusebius, Church History 6.25.2ff.
Book or monograph Rufinus, Commentary on the Apostles Creed 36-37.

Primary Sources: New Testament Canon

Book or monograph Athanasius, Festal Letter 38.
Book or monograph Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures 4.36.
Book or monograph Eusebius, Church History 3.25.
Book or monograph J.B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers. London: Macmillan, 1890.
Book or monograph Loadicea, Canon 60.
Book or monograph Muratorian Canon.
Book or monograph J. Stevenson, A New Eusebius. London: SPCK, 1957.
Book or monograph Daniel J. Theron, The Evidence of Tradition. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Pbk. ISBN: 0801088496.

Secondary Sources

Article in Journal or Book Cambridge History of the Bible Volume 1Peter R. Ackroyd, "The Old Testament in the Making," P.R. Ackroyd & C.F. Evans, eds. The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1. From Beginnings to Jerome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 0521074185. pp.67-112.
On-line Resource Craig D. Allert, "The State of the New Testament Canon in the Second Century: Putting Tatian's Diatessaron in Perspective," Bulletin for Biblical Research 9 (1999): 1-18. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book G.W. Anderson, "Canonical and Non-Canonical," P.R. Ackroyd & C.F. Evans, eds. The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1. From Beginnings to Jerome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 0521074185. pp.113-158.
Book or monograph Roger T. Beckwith, The Old Testament Canon of the New Testament Church. Grand Rapids / London: Eerdmans / SPCK, 1986. Hbk. ISBN: 0281041555. pp.542.
Article in Journal or Book James A. Brooks, "Clement of Alexandria as a Witness to the Development of the New Testament Canon," Second Century 9.1 (1992): 41-55.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "The Canon of Scripture," Inter-Varsity (Autumn 1954): 19-22. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "New Light on the Origins of the New Testament Canon," Richard N Longenecker & Merrill C. Tenney, eds. New Dimensions in New Testament Study. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974. pp.3-18.
On-line Resource F.F. Bruce, "New Light on the Origin of the New Testament," Faith and Thought 101.2 (1974): 158-162.View in PDF format pdf This is a brief summary of the above article.
Article in Journal or Book F.F. Bruce, "Some Thoughts on the Beginning of the New Testament Canon," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester 65.2 (Spring 1983): 37-60.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Bruce: The Canon Of Scripture F.F. Bruce, The Canon Of Scripture. Chapter House, 1988. Pbk. ISBN: 0948643056. pp.349.
Book or monograph Hans von Campenhausen, The Formation of the Christian Bible. Philadelphia / London: Fortress / Adam & Charles Black, 1997. Pbk. ISBN: ISBN: 1888961023. pp.342.
On-line Resource Duane L. Christensen, "Josephus and the twenty-two-book canon of sacred scripture," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 29.1 (March 1986): 37-46.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph F.L. Cross, The Early Christian Fathers. Studies in Theology 1. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Ltd., 1960. Hbk. pp.59-70.
Article in Journal or Book Kenneth L. Carroll, "Toward a Commonly Received New Testament," Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library 44 (1962): 327-349.
Article in Journal or Book C.F. Evans, "The New Testament in the Making," P.R. Ackroyd & C.F. Evans, eds. The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1. From Beginnings to Jerome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 0521074185. pp.232-283.
Article in Journal or Book Ernst Käsemann, "The Canon of the New Testament and the Unity of the Church," in Essays on New Testament Themes, translated by W.J. Montague. Studies in Biblical Theology 41. London: SCM Press, 1964. pp.95-177.
Book or monograph Childs: The New Testament as CanonBrevard S. Childs, The New Testament as Canon: An Introduction. Trinity Press International, 1994. Pbk. ISBN: 1563380897 pp.608.
Article in Journal or Book Earl E. Ellis, "The Old Testament in the Early Church," M.J. Mulder, editor. Mikra: Text, Translation, Reading and Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1988. Hbk. ISBN: 0800606043. pp.653-690.
Book or monograph William R. Farmer & D. Farkasfalvy, The Formation of the New Testament Canon, H. Attridge, editor. New York: Paulist, 1983. Pbk. ISBN: 0809124955. pp.182.
Article in Journal or Book Everett Ferguson, "Canon Muratori: Date and Provenance," Studia Patrstica, Vol. 18 (1982): 677-683.
On-line Resource Lewis Foster, "The earliest collection of Paul's Epistles," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter 1967): 44-55. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
Book or monograph Henry Y. Gamble, The New Testament Canon: In Making and Meaning. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1985. Pbk. ISBN: 0800604709.
Book or monograph Robert M. Grant, The Formation of the New Testament. New York: Harper & Row, 1965.
Article in Journal or Book Cambridge History of the Bible Volume 1Robert M. Grant, "The New Testament Canon," P.R. Ackroyd & C.F. Evans, eds. The Cambridge History of the Bible, Vol. 1. From Beginnings to Jerome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970. Hbk. ISBN: 0521074185. pp.284-307.
On-line Resource Caspar René Gregory [1846-1917], Canon and Text of the New TestamentCaspar René Gregory [1846-1917], Canon and Text of the New Testament. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1907. Hbk. pp.540. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Dennis E. Groh, "Hans von Campenhausen on Canon," Interpretation 28 (1974): 331-343.
Book or monograph Geoffrey Mark Hahneman, The Muratorian Fragment and the Development of the Canon. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992. Hbk. ISBN: 0198263414. pp.248.
On-line Resource James Heron [1836-1918], The Church of the Sub-Apostolic Age. Its Life, Worship, and Organisation, in the Light of "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles"James Heron [1836-1918], The Church of the Sub-Apostolic Age. Its Life, Worship, and Organisation, in the Light of "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles". London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1888. Hbk. pp.300. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
On-line Resource C.E. Hill, "The Debate Over the Muratorian Fragment and the Development of the Canon," Westminster Theological Journal 57.2 (1995): 437-452.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book William Horbury, "The Wisdom of Solomon in the Muratorian Fragment," Journal of Theological Studies 45.1 (1994): 149-159.
On-line Resource Henry Hoyle Howorth [1842-1923], "The Influence of St Jerome on the Canon of the Western Church. I," Journal of Theological Studies 10 No 40 (July 1909): 481-496. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book P. Katz, "The Johannine Epistles in the Muratorian Canon," Journal of Theological Studies 8 (1957): 273-274.
On-line Resource The Muratorian Canon (Peter Kirby)
Article in Journal or Book J.N. Lighthouse, "The Formation of the Biblical Canon in Judaism of Late Antiquity: Prolegomenon to a General Reassessment," Studies in Religion 8 (1978): 135-142.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Lee Martin McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon: Volume 1Lee Martin McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon: Volume 1 The Old Testament: Its Authority and Canonicity. London: T&T Clark, 2017. ISBN: 9780567668776. pp.584. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Lee Martin McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon: Volume 1Lee Martin McDonald, The Formation of the Biblical Canon: Volume 2 The New Testament: Its Authority and Canonicity. London: T&T Clark, 2017. ISBN: 9780567668851. pp.584. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
Book or monograph Metzger: The Canon of the New TestamentBruce M. Metzger, The Canon of the New Testament: Its Origin, Development and Significance. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. Pbk. ISBN: 0198269544. pp.336.
Book or monograph Miller: The Origins of the BibleJohn W. Miller, The Origins of the Bible: Rethinking Canon History. Paulist Press, 1995. Pbk. ISBN: 0809135221. pp.250.
Article in Journal or Book G.F. Moore, "The Definition of the Jewish Canon and the Repudiation of Christian Scriptures," Sid Z. Leiman, ed., The Canon and Masorah of the Hebrew Bible: An Introductory Reader. The Library of Biblical Studies. New York: KTAV, 1974. ISBN: 0870681648.
Article in Journal or Book Robert C. Newman, "Council of Jamnia and the Old Testament canon," Westminster Theological Journal 38.4 (Spring 1976): 319-349.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Edward Reuss, (David Hunter, translator), History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian ChurchEdward Reuss, (David Hunter, translator), History of the Canon of the Holy Scriptures in the Christian Church. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2007. ISBN: 9781725221253. pp.416. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
Book or monograph Colin Henderson Roberts & T.C. Skeat, The Birth of the Codex. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Hbk. ISBN: 0197260241. pp.76.
Article in Journal or Book Carmel Sant, "Eusebius of Caesarea's Views on the Canon of the Holy Scriptures and the Text Used in His Works," Monuments ecclesiae liturugica 23.1-2 (1972): 23-33.
Article in Journal or Book Samuel J. Schultz, "Augustine and the Old Testament Canon," Bibliotheca Sacra 112: 447 (1955): 225-234.
On-line Resource Gary Steven Shogren, "Christian Prophecy and Canon in the Second Century: A Response to B.B. Warfield," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 40.4 (Dec. 1997): 609-626. View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book T.C. Skeat, "Irenaeus and the Four-Gospel Canon," Novum Testamentum 34.2 (1992): 194-199.
Article in Journal or Book Albert C. Sundberg, "The Old Testament of the Early Church (a Study in Canon)," Harvard Theological Review 51.4 (Oct. 1958): 205-226.
Book or monograph Albert C. Sundberg, The Old Testament of the Early Church. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1964. Hbk. ISBN: 0527010200.
Article in Journal or Book Albert C. Sundberg, "Canon Muratori: A Fourth Century List," Harvard Theological Review 66 (1973): 1-41.
On-line Resource Merrill C. Tenney, "The Canon of the Gospels," Bulletin of the Evangelical Theological Society 10.1 (Winter 1967): 36-43. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Frank Thielman, "The Place of the Apocalypse in the Canon of St Gregory Nazianzen," Tyndale Bulletin 49.1 (1998): 155-157.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph Prideaux Tregelles Tregelles, Canon Muratorianus: the Earliest Catalogue of the Books of the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1867. pp. viii + 112.
Article in Journal or Book C.H. Turner, "Latin Lists of the Canonical Books," Journal of Theological Studies, Vol. 1 (1900): 554-560.
Article in Journal or Book J.C. Turro & R.E. Brown, "Canonicity," R.E. Brown, ed. Jerome Biblical Commentary. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1968.
Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly Brooke F. Westcott, A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New TestamentBrooke F. Westcott, A General Survey of the History of the Canon of the New Testament, 6th edn. Macmillan, 1899. Reprint Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1980. Pbk. ISBN: 0801096405. pp.593. e-book: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2005. ISBN: 9781725214231. pp.650. [Sign-up to Perlego and access book instantly]
On-line Resource J. Stafford Wright, "The Canon of Scripture," The Evangelical Quarterly 19 (1947): 93-109.View in PDF format pdf [©1947 The Trustees of the Estate of J Stafford Wright 2009. Quoted by Permission.]

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