
Saint John Chrysostom. His Life and Times. A Sketch of the Church and the Empire in the Fourth Century, 2nd edn.
William Richard Wood Stephens [1839-1902]

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Book Description

Saint John Chrysostom. His Life and Times. A Sketch of the Church and the Empire in the Fourth Century, 2nd edn.
Publication Year:
John Murray
Patristics, Church Fathers, John Chrysostom
Copyright Holder:
Public domain

William Richard Wood Stephens [1839-1902], Saint John Chrysostom. His Life and Times. A Sketch of the Church and the Empire in the Fourth Century, 2nd edn.

Table of Contents

  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • Preface to the First Edition
  1. Introductory
  2. From his Birth to his Appointment to the Office of Reader, A.D. 345 or A.D. 347 to A.D. 370
  3. Commencement of ascetic life—Study under Diodorus—Formation of an ascetic Brotherhood—The Letters to Theodore. A.D. 370
  4. Chrysostom evades forcible Ordination to a Bishopric—The Treatise "On the Priesthood." A.D. 370, 371
  5. Narrow Escape from Persecution—His Entrance into a Monastery—The Monasticism of the East. A.D. 372
  6. Works produced during his monastic life—The letters to Demetrius and Stelechius—Treatises addressed to the Opponents of Monasticism—Letter to Stagirius
  7. Ordination as Deacon-Description of Antioch—Works composed during his Diaconate. A.D. 381-386
  8. Ordination to the Priesthood by Flavian—Innugural Discourse in the Cathedral—Homilies against the Arians—Animadversions on the Chariot Races. A.D. 386
  9. Homilies against Pagans and Jews—Condition of the Jews in Antioch—Judaising Christians—Homilies on Christmas Day and Kew Year's Day—Censure of Pagan Superstitions. A.D. 386, 387
  10. Survey of the first; Decade of the Reign of Theodosius—His Character—His Efforts for the Extirpation of Paganism and Heresy—The Apologies of Symmachus and Libanius. A.D. 379-389
  11. The Sedition at Antioch—The Homilies on the Statues—The Results of the Sedition. A.D. 387
  12. Illness of Cbrysostom—Homilies on Festivals of Saints and Martyrs—Character of these Festivals—Pilgrimages—Reliques—Character of Peasant Clergy in neighbourhood of Antioch. A.D. 387
  13. Survey of Events between A.D. 387 and A.D. 397—Ambrose and Theodosius—Revolt of Arbogastes—Death of Theodosius—The Ministers of Arcadius—Rufinus and Eutropius
  14. Death of Nectarius, .Archbishop of Constantinople—Eager Competition for the See—Election of Chrysostom—His compulsory Removal from Antioch—Consecration—Reforms—Homilies on various subjects—Missionary Projects
  15. The Fall of Eutropius—His Retreat to the Sanctuary of the Church—Right of Sanctuary maintained by Chrysostom—Death of Eutropius—Revolt of Gothic Commanders Tribigild and Gainas—Demand of Gainas for an Arian Church refused by 212 Chrysostom—Defeat and Death of Gainas. A.D. 399-401
  16. Chrysostom's Visit to Asia—Deposition of six simoniacal Bishops—Legitimate Extent of his Jurisdiction—Return to Constantinople—Rupture and reconciliation with Severian, bishop of Gabala—Chrysostom's increasing unpopularity with the Clergy and wealthy Laity—His Friends—Olympias the Deaconess—Formation of hostile Factions, which invite the aid of Theophilus, Patriarch of Alexandria. A.D. 400, 401
  17. Circumstances which led to the interference of Theophilus with the affairs of Chrysostom—Controversy about the Writings of Origen—Persecution by Theophilus of the Monks called "The Tall Brethren"—Their Flight to Palestine—To Constantinople—Their Reception by Chrysostom—Theophilus summoned to Constantinople. A.D. 395-403
  18. Theophilus arrives in Constantinople—Organises a Cabal against Chrysostom—The Synod of the Oak—Chrysostom pronounced contumacious for Non-appearance and expelled from the city—Earthquake—Recall of Chrysostom—Ovations on his Return—Flight of Theophilus. A.D. 403
  19. An Image of Eudoxia placed in front of the Cathedral—Chrysostom denounces it—Anger of the Empress—The enemy returns to the charge—Another Council formed—Chrysostom confined to his Palace—Violent scene in the Cathedral and other places—Chrysostom again expelled. A.D. 403, 404
  20. Fury of the people at the removal of Chrysostom—Destruction of the Cathedral Church and Senate-house by Fire—Persecution of Chrysostom's followers—Fugitives to Rome—Letters of Innocent to Theophilus—To the Clergy of Constantinople—To Chrysostom—Deputation of Western Bishops to Constantinople repulsed—Sufferings of the Eastern Church—Triumph of the Cabal. A.D. 404, 405
  21. Chrysostom ordered to be removed to Cucusus—Perils encountered at Cresarea—Hardships of the Journey—Reaches Cucusus—Letters written there to Olympias and other Friends. A.D. 404, 361
  22. Chrysostom's Sufferings from the winter cold—Depredations of the !saurians—The Mission in Phcanicia—Letters to Innocent and the Italian Bishops—Chrysostom's enemies obtain an order for his Removal to Pityus—He dies at Comana., A.D. 40—Reception of his Reliques at Constantinople. A.D. 438
  23. Survey of Chrysostom's Theological Teaching—Practical tone of his Works—Reason of this—Doctrine of Man's Nature—Original Sin—Grace—Free-will—How far Chrysostom Pelagian—Language on the Trinity—Atonement—Justification—The two Sacraments—No trace of Confession, Purgatory, or Mariolatry—Relations towards the Pope—Liturgy of Chrysostom—His character as a Commentator—Views on Inspiration—His Preaching—Personal Appearance—References to Greek Classical Authors—Comparison with St . .Augustine
  • Appendix
  • Index

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