Tertullian of Carthage on the Resurrection of the Flesh

Today’s free book is Tertullian’s work Concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh, translated into English by Alexander Souter. My thanks to Book Aid for making available a copy of this public domain title for digitisation. Alexander Souter [1873-1949], Tertullian: Concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh. Translations of Christian Literature, Series II: Latin Texts. London: SPCK/New…

Documents Illustrative of the History of the Church by B.J. Kidd

Today’s free titles is B.J. Kidd’s two-volume anthology of 513 useful extracts from the writings of the early church up to the year 461 AD. My thanks to Book Aid for making this public domain title available for digitisation. Beresford James Kidd [1863-1948], Document Illustrative of the History of the Church, 2 Vols. London: SPCK,…

Church of the Sub-Apostolic Age by James Heron

Today’s free book is James Heron’s study of the teachings and practices of the sub-apostolic church as described in the Didache. It includes sections on the New Testament canon, baptism, family and social life, the eucharist and ministry. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available digitisation. James…