Inspiration and Authority of Scripture in the First Five Centuries

Inspiration and Authority of Scripture in the First Five Centuries

Today’s free books is George Duncan Barry’s study of the teaching of the early church concerning the inspiration and authority of Scripture. My thanks to Book Aid for making a copy of this public domain title available for digitisation. George Duncan Barry [1864-1945], The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture. A Study in the Literature…

Apology of Aristides, translated by J Armitage Robinson

Today’s free book is the standard translation of the Aristides of Athens’ Apology. The history of the discovery if the text is summarised on Wikipedia: In 1878, the Armenian monks of the Mechitarite convent in Venice published the first two chapters, which they had found in a manuscript in their collection in Armenian translation. This…

Tertullian of Carthage on the Resurrection of the Flesh

Today’s free book is Tertullian’s work Concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh, translated into English by Alexander Souter. My thanks to Book Aid for making available a copy of this public domain title for digitisation. Alexander Souter [1873-1949], Tertullian: Concerning the Resurrection of the Flesh. Translations of Christian Literature, Series II: Latin Texts. London: SPCK/New…