Augustine of Hippo: Aspects of His Life and Thought

William Montgomery [1871-1930], St. Augustine. Aspects of His Life and Thought

Today’s free book is William Montgomery’s biography of St. Augustine of Hippo. This public domain title was digitised using the copy held in Spurgeon’s College library.

William Montgomery [1871-1930], St. Augustine. Aspects of His Life and Thought. London & New York: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914. Hbk. pp.255. [Click here visit the download page for this title]

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  1. Augustine the Man—Character abd Temperament
  2. His Conversion—A Study in Criticism and Religious Psychology
  3. His Correspondence—Relations wuth Men and Affairs
  4. Outlines of his Psychology
  5. His Powers of Psychological Observation and Description
  6. His Psychology as the Key to his Philosophy and Theology
  7. St. Augustine as Expositor and Preacher
  8. His Philosophy of History, Theory of the State, and Teaching on Social Ethics

Main image: Saint Augustine and his mother, Saint Monica (1846) by Ary Scheffer. Source: Wikipedia

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